Be with your body, mind, emotions and spirit through music, ecstatic dance, and self-expression in this community-driven class!

Upcoming Dates

No dates in May 2023…

Check back in June, and / or sign up for my newsletter for more info! 🖤

About Body Temple Dance

We don’t have many places where we can just let go, FEEL and move energy through our bodies.

These dance sessions are such a place, and MORE — each class facilitates participants in experiencing and offering compassion to the emotions / sensations that might show up when they engage in movement.

Body Temple Dance was created by Adriana Rizzolo, and is informed by:

  • Somatic Experiencing and TRE,

  • body awareness and transformational energy healing,

  • traditional Tantra and the mystical traditions from India, and

  • 5 Rhythms, Gaga, traditional Kundalini Shakti, Kashmir Shivaism and many more healing & movement modalities.

Classes are recorded and shared with attendees.